Well, I don't seem to get this done at night, so I'll approach it this way today! It's been a busy week, and usually if it gets late I can't seem to be motivated to sit at the computer. And I see the last post I made was on Sunday! So here's a little catching up.
Monday night I had CRS club. I had a chiro appointment before that, so went over around 5:30 for that, and then went to DQ for supper and then over to Joyce's for club. We play garbage and that's always a good time. Orrin always asks "what's new?" when I get home (or in the morning when he's awake) but there wasn't much new this week. For a group of seniors, of which I'm the youngest, we do pretty well.
Tuesday was Treadlers. I stamped a bunch of images in the morning to take along to color. I'm planning on doing cards for the open house in October. I did color several, but then I had problems with the ink bleeding when I used the watercolor brushes. Grrrr. There are a couple of very pretty quilts being made, lots of talent in that group.
Wednesday Orrin and I both had chiro appointments in Dawson. This fellow treats it very aggressively for starters. It seems to be helping, and he is motivating. My arm is feeling less achy. I've also managed to walk with Teddy every day this week. We get up early enough to beat the heat. Tonight is bible study, so another reason to post this earlier.
When I went out this morning, this is what I found -
A poor little fledgling that must have fallen out of the nest. What should I have done? I didn't know. There are several nests, some under the eaves and some in the tree, so had no idea where it came from. Orrin said to just leave it alone. Which is what I did. At noon, the poor thing was feet in the air.
And then at noon, Orrin said look out the window, quick! And this is what we saw then -
Can you see the family of pheasants meandering toward the field? The meandered a little faster when I went out the door to take the picture.
It was Jordan's birthday on Monday, and Stan's tomorrow. We are now meeting them tomorrow in Worthington, so that worked out perfectly! They are on their way back to Washington state from Wisconsin.
And now I should go finish reading for bible study tonight, have a great day!!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:4-9
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