Sunday, January 31, 2016

Saturday/Sunday, January 30/31, 2016

Good evening! I seem to be doing this in doubles lately. Saturday was very quiet. I realized we were down to our last loaf of bread, so I baked some. And that's about as exciting as it got. I asked Orrin if he wanted french toast for supper (haven't done that for a while) and it really tastes different with homemade bread. It soaks up the egg mixture a lot more.

There was annual meeting with a pot luck dinner today, so we went to late service.  We went early enough to go to bible study, but then it turned out that there wasn't our regular bible study with our usual group. There was a presentation in the fellowship hall led by Pastor Lindhorst, about Christian education. 

We then went to second service. 3 of the choirs sang, the lower grades from St. Martin's and the upper grades from St. Martin's and the honor choir from GPLHS. It was very nice. And Pastor Lindhorst had an especially good sermon, again about Christian education and the parent's role in that. Here is the link to the service, please watch it if you can  

There was a surprising turnout at second service, that's usually not as well attended as first service. And after that, we had a potluck meal in the fellowship hall. 

Followed by the annual meeting. They had election of officers and of the different committees, etc. They also had a discussion about adding 3 yr. old to the 4 yr. old daycare. This is going to involve adding on to the school building. They did decide to go ahead with preliminary investigation by hiring an architect, etc. All of these things are possible by the generous endowment that the church received the end of last year. We don't have any capital debt right now. Praise be to God!

We stopped at WalMart for some meds and a few other things. Orrin was going to get a haircut, but there was a 2 hour wait. So he remains shaggy.  

Cori had called yesterday to tell us that baptism was going to be Valentine's Day. Can't wait to see that big boy!  

And that's all there is! Hugs,
Orrin, Linda and Teddy
But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 1:7-8

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