It is the half way point in November already! How did that happen? It was another beautiful day today, although someone mentioned this morning that we are supposed to be getting a change, a downward trend in temps.
Yesterday I read a book and puttered around. That was about the extent of it. :(
This morning we were up for early service and went to bible study. We finished John 3 and got a healthy start on Amos. So far that seems pretty gloomy, actually. There were some things that were remindful of the situation in Paris right now, though. Hmm, my spellcheck does not seem to like the word remindful, I kind of do, though!
We lunch at the Roadhouse and ran into the Schwandts there, so they joined us. I had dinner, the others had breakfast. Then we stopped at the County Fair banquet hall, to check out the art show, as Boyd had an exhibit there. Lots of very nice pieces there. There were drawings benefiting the Salvation Army. From there it was a quick stop at WM and then home. I told Orrin I had to take a little nap, as I had a very restless night of sleep last night. He did some cleaning up around the yard, and came in for a nap as well. We were determined to wake up by 3, and by some miracle, we did! I had missed a couple of phone calls, so on checking discovered that I had won a prize from the art show! It was a book that one of the vendors had written. She sent it home with Boyd. Kathy said Terry had won a prize as well, wonder what he got?
We went to the matinee this afternoon, and saw the Peanuts movie. My dear hubby was very patient about going to this, but I think he kind of enjoyed it too. The theater wasn't too full for this showing, so it was quiet. It was a cute movie. All of the previews were for children's movies too. I promised him that the next movie we see would be for adults. Maybe the new Star Wars movie? hehe. Afterward, he decided we needed a little something more substantial than popcorn so we stopped at the DQ and shared a chicken strip meal. Then, as we needed some milk, we stopped at the Dollar General for that, it's $3 a gallon right now. I was surprised they were still open, but I guess they are open until 10 every day.
Now we're home and settled in for our regular lineup, so I'd better get off here. I did find where the photos that are regular size are, now I wonder if they are showing up? Please let me know. The others were just too small.
And that's about it. I'll share another picture, let me know how that works. :)
One from the seminar.
And Alan's birthday card. Alan, if you haven't gotten it yet, don't look! Oh, Lisa had put something on FB yesterday about a shooting over by Gibbon, how did that turn out?
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
The apostle Paul, who was miraculously called to Christ while in
route to persecute Christians in the city of Damascas - located near
the heart of embattled ISIS territory in modern day Syria - wrote in
the Bible, "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications,
prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for
kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and
acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be
saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God
and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus" (1
Timothy 1-5).
Nope. No pictures here. Again.