Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Good evening! Just a short post today.  We went to early service and bible study. It was a very slim crowd in bible study, only 10 people and that includes the Draegers.  I'm not sure why.

Then a quick lunch at the DQ and over to HyVee to buy groceries for the weekend.  That blew a large wad of money!! There were a lot of people, but not terrible. We got right through checkout.  We also stopped at Papa Murphy's for some pizzas for the freezer, everyone likes pizza!  I had an e-mail with a 25% discount for those. So I think we'll have everyone fed for the weekend.  :)

Orrin was up in the attic this afternoon for quite a while.  I haven't been up there yet to see what he all accomplished, but I'm sure it will be impressive.  We haven't had anyone sleeping up there for a long time.

I finally got those file cabinets cleaned out, so now to move them out.  Nothing like company coming to get things done.  

Alan Olivera stopped by last night and dropped off a pheasant, all cleaned, packaged and frozen!  He had stopped at the shop last weekend and visited with Orrin and told him he would bring us a bird.  He was hunting in the area.  He's married to Orrin's cousin Pam (Just) and we hadn't seen him (or them) for years.

Very unsatisfactory football game today, :(.  I know there are some Packer fans among us, so I guess it was satisfactory for them.  The Vikings should have won, though, I think it's just a matter of attitude.  And that's as much as I know about football.

And that's all for tonight.  Have a good night,

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Paul wrote, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
Galatians 6:10

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Good Morning! Thought I would get this written now, since I seem to run out of gas in the evening.  My computer was out for a day (horrors!) so didn't get a chance the other night.
What happened is. . . Orrin was changing the light bulb (flourescent) in here, and decided to check the light switch. In doing that, he shorted out something, and one line went dead. He went down and hit the breaker switch and all was well. We thought. When I went to the computer to go online, I couldn't connect. I did the whole reboot thing 3 different times and still nothing, so I called MVTV. They were going to send someone out the next day (yesterday).  When I do the reboot, I turn off the computer, unplug the router and then just turn off the APC power to turn off the modem, which is plugged into that. Yesterday morning I thought I would try this one more time, only instead of turning off the APC I unplugged the modem. And then it worked!! Strange, I've never had to do that before.  Oh, well, it's working and that's all that counts. Also, until I unplugged the modem I couldn't connect with my phone either. Can any of my tech experts explain that to me?  As soon as I unplugged the modem, my phone connected.  Well, that long story didn't get shorter, haha.
That whole paragraph is underlined in red, so apparently my grammar wasn't very good!  
I've just about emptied the two smaller file cabinets into the one larger one. Does anyone want either of the two smaller cabinets? One is a regular metal one and the other one is wooden. I'll take a picture.  I've heard from a few people that now that I've found where the larger pictures are, they are not seeing them.  And the smaller ones are just too small to see.    

 Hopefully, one of those will show up.  
Sioux Falls had 18" of snow yesterday!! We didn't get anything, which is fine with me. It is cold out though. I guess it is November, we can't expect 60-70 degree weather forever.  
Nothing else exciting here.  Next week is Thanksgiving and people coming! Yeaaa!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hi, again! It's very dreary here today, in the low 40's and it's been raining all day. I don't know how much we've had, as we took our gauges down a few weeks ago. My birdbath is full though, and the driveway has lots of puddles.  We did need the moisture, and I guess it was inevitable that we would get colder.  It would be nice to have some sunshine again, though.

I've heard that there have been more layoffs at EMPI and probably less than 50 people left there.  Sure hope they can find something else to come in, it's a shame to lose a business like that in a small town.

I had Treadlers yesterday, we got a few things done, started on the next year!
We made plans for one meeting in December when we will have our Christmas party. I dropped Teddy off for grooming and picked him up on the way home. He always smells so good after that!

I made bread and some buns on Monday. I have good luck with buns, except they don't look that great! I don't know what I do wrong. Anyone have any tips?  I'm trying to get things ready for Thanksgiving.  I hope the weather holds until after that. I remember that in years past, we always had a storm for Thanksgiving!

I've started doing my coloring for Christmas cards, I may actually get some out this year!  We had cards made when they did the church pictures.  I really didn't like our picture that well this time, but what can they do with what they had to work with!  LOL

Well, Orrin's in so I suppose I should think of something for supper. Maybe some Tilapia, that's always easy.  :)

Have a great evening and stay warm and dry!

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and handsome Teddy 

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Psalm 19:21

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

It is the half way point in November already! How did that happen?  It was another beautiful day today, although someone mentioned this morning that we are supposed to be getting a change, a downward trend in temps.

Yesterday I read a book and puttered around.  That was about the extent of it.  :(  

This morning we were up for early service and went to bible study.  We finished John 3 and got a healthy start on Amos.  So far that seems pretty gloomy, actually.  There were some things that were remindful of the situation in Paris right now, though. Hmm, my spellcheck does not seem to like the word remindful, I kind of do, though!

We lunch at the Roadhouse and ran into the Schwandts there, so they joined us.  I had dinner, the others had breakfast.  Then we stopped at the County Fair banquet hall, to check out the art show, as Boyd had an exhibit there.  Lots of very nice pieces there.  There were drawings benefiting the Salvation Army.  From there it was a quick stop at WM and then home.  I told Orrin I had to take a little nap, as I had a very restless night of sleep last night.  He did some cleaning up around the yard, and came in for a nap as well.  We were determined to wake up by 3, and by some miracle, we did!  I had missed a couple of phone calls, so on checking discovered that I had won a prize from the art show!  It was a book that one of the vendors had written.  She sent it home with Boyd.  Kathy said Terry had won a prize as well, wonder what he got?

We went to the matinee this afternoon, and saw the Peanuts movie.  My dear hubby was very patient about going to this, but I think he kind of enjoyed it too.  The theater wasn't too full for this showing, so it was quiet.  It was a cute movie.  All of the previews were for children's movies too.  I promised him that the next movie we see would be for adults.  Maybe the new Star Wars movie?  hehe.  Afterward, he decided we needed a little something more substantial than popcorn so we stopped at the DQ and shared a chicken strip meal.  Then, as we needed some milk, we stopped at the Dollar General for that, it's $3 a gallon right now.  I was surprised they were still open, but I guess they are open until 10 every day.

Now we're home and settled in for our regular lineup, so I'd better get off here.  I did find where the photos that are regular size are, now I wonder if they are showing up?  Please let me know.  The others were just too small.

And that's about it.  I'll share another picture, let me know how that works.  :)

One from the seminar.

And Alan's birthday card.  Alan, if you haven't gotten it yet, don't look!  Oh, Lisa had put something on FB yesterday about a shooting over by Gibbon, how did that turn out?

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

The apostle Paul, who was miraculously called to Christ while in route to persecute Christians in the city of Damascas - located near the heart of embattled ISIS territory in modern day Syria - wrote in the Bible, "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 1-5).


Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday the 13th, November 2015

Don't know if this is supposed to be a scary day, never seemed like it! I was up early and it was 27 degrees out! Brrr.  But it did warm up into the 50's today, so not so bad. 

I went to Watertown this forenoon because I wanted to get to the eye doctor before noon.  My lens had fallen out again last night, for the second time. It was the screw holding the frame together that was not holding. We were able to get it back together last night and the other time too. But I decided the screw must be stripped, so wanted to get it replaced. Now that I am farsighted rather than nearsighted (after cataract surgery, I think I made the wrong choice there) Orrin has to help with it, as I can't see close up without my glasses!  Anyway, long story still long, I did get it fixed, hopefully for good this time.

Then I stopped at GSI with a few things, and did a little shopping as well. Kathy was there shopping, and so were a few other ladies. I had a cup of coffee with them, and then headed over to Needleworks for the machine embroidery class.

There were quite a few people there this time, and I met a few new ladies. I think the socialization is the most compelling reason to go to these.  :)  After that, I stopped at Culver's for the FOD and then back to Papa Murphy's to bring a pizza home.  I haven't done that for a while. I always get the family size, more for the $$, but then later I wonder why?  Well, we'll have leftovers for a while. 

It doesn't seem like I accomplished much, although I did track down a design pack.  I was going to lend it to my friend, only to find she already had it!!  LOL

I'm happy to hear that you all are able to get my pictures now, but now I have to figure out how to get a larger version.  The other day when I was fooling around there, I did get back to that page, but now I've forgotten how I found it!  Grrr.  I wish Google would quit messing with it and with me.

I chatted with Justin and Dan last night on FB, they had gone to see the Peanuts movie.  Wonder if I can talk Orrin into going?  Hmmm.

Oh, forgot to mention that the good Lord has been looking after me.  The other night, on the way back from Monte, I  nearly hit 2 deer just east of our place. It was dusk, and I almost didn't see them!  And then today, someone just pulled right in front of me, almost collided!  Luckily, they saw me at the last minute and I saw them, so it was avoided.  Why don't people look before they pull out of a parking spot??

Well, we're due for a nice weekend again, yeaa!  I'm afraid that when Thanksgiving gets here, the weather will turn.

Have a great evening!  Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

"You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance."
-Psalm 32:7

okay, here's the bigger picture, hope you can see it?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - Veteran's Day!!

Hello, surprise!!  Whenever it's Veteran's Day, I always think of mother's story of going to Jabbo Westerman's wedding.  In those days, the reception was held at the home. Well, anyway, this was 75 years ago, the day of the great Armistice Day storm.  The bridal party and all the guests were stormed in for several days!  What a way to spend a honeymoon.  Since then, the day has been retitled Veteran's Day.  Mom and Dad had so many good stories, I wish I had recorded more of them.

It was a very gloomy day today, but at least no storm! We are supposed to get strong winds later, but I don't think we'll be getting any moisture.  Maybe our family in Rapid City will get some?  Probably for sure in the hills out there.

I went over to Montevideo this afternoon to get my hair cut and my nails done. That always feels good.  I misread the time, so I was there an hour early.  Of course, the library was not open, so what to do? Not much else in Monte but go to WalMart.  I found my favorite Christmas Oreo cookies, the ones covered in white fudge, so it was not a total waste, LOL.  

Orrin was surprised to get a call from the dentist that is denture was back and fixed, so he has his teeth back! He had broken one on Saturday, and of course, that has to be sent in.  I'm always happy to see his teeth back in, too.  

  Just a picture of a card that I had fun  making.  The verse is "Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!"

And that's all folks!  Stay warm!

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy 

"Cast all your worries on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wow, I'm finally back! I just fell off the radar for a while, sorry about that.  I won't try to catch up, but will hit a few highlights.
On Halloween day we went to Mankato and did some overdue shopping.  Then we met Jeremy, Laura and Maria for an early supper at Maria's favorite, Red Lobster! We were celebrating her birthday!  Here's a pic of her card -

 Hmm, the google photos has changed again, that's rather small. Hope it shows up for you all.  Anyway, we had a nice visit. Jeremy has been offered (and accepted) a new job with a large construction firm in the area, he was quite excited about it, and we were very happy for him.  We headed home after the meal, and they went trick or treating!

Last Thursday, I picked up a friend and we went to a machine embroidery event in Sioux Falls.  It went from 9-4 Friday and Saturday.  We really enjoyed it, made lots of neat things and learned a lot of things, too.  Very pretty designs, it was so hard to choose just a few.

 Just a few examples of the things they displayed.  I met some new friends, and am hoping to take this in next year too.

Sunday we were invited to Krause's to celebrate their 40 years on the farm they're on now.  Lots of friends there to help them celebrate and got lots of visiting done.  First thing on the agenda was a hay ride!  So, even though it was very windy, we went around Lake Alice and then back for a great supper.  

The weather stays unseasonably warm. Not complaining, just saying! It was in the 60's again today.  Al's, Wendy's and Jeremy's are planning on coming for Thanksgiving weekend, I sure hope this weather hangs in there.

And with that, I'll sign off.  I'll try not to miss so much again.

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.