Wow, June is almost done! So much I didn't get accomplished, but much that I did. I went into town this morning to pick up our mail and make a stop at the library. I took a nap this afternoon, I think the weekend caught up with me.
Cori asked for my apple pie and apple bar recipe. I'm not sure if she's made pie before, so hope she can figure it out. Wish I were there to show her.
I'm going to explain further on some of the pictures that I shared yesterday.
The Apache women come from the White River area. We did talk to some of them on Saturday, and asked if they knew Wayne Cole. The first thing they said was he spoke Apache fluently!! They also knew Morey.
The first workshop that I attended was by Pastor Michael Hartman, Latin America called "Let your light shine before others". It was very informative (all of the workshops and missionary moments were) and he talked about using the internet for outreach. Apparently smart phones are widely used, while laptops are not as widely available. We have a latin website to reach out to all of our spanish speaking Christians. Missionary work has surely come a long way by the grace of God!! His picture is one of the first ones from yesterday.
Our first missionary speaker was Pastor Michael Vogel from St. Paul, Calgary, Alberta Canada.
Then our missionary administrators were introduced, Rev. Keith Free (home missions) and Rev. Larry Schlomer (world missions)
We also were introduced to the LWMS board of director officers.
I think that's all I'll say tonight. We were asked not to share pictures or information on our missionaries and work in Pakistan as that would put them in danger. How sad a statement! I would just say that it is remarkable what they have accomplished and also what they have endured.
Richard and Debbie have listed their house for sale, so if you know of anyone in the area looking for a beautiful house in the country, pass on that information! It's near Montello, WI (listed near Neshkoro, WI)
It was really hazy all day, they said it was from the fires in Canada.
Have a wonderful night, hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Matthew 10:16
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