Feeling a little (no, a lot!) windblown tonight. The wind was VERY strong today, I could really feel it on the interstate on the way home from Watertown. I went to ladies' bible study this morning, again a nice discussion. The two chapters we were studying really were thought-provoking. Two more to go and we will have finished the book.
I didn't think I had much to do in town, but decided to stop at Office Max just to see what they had left. I was looking for a very inexpensive laser printer. Well, there wasn't much left. They were dismantling the shelving, they close in 3 days. There were several laser printers, prices very cheap, but bigger than I wanted. I'll be using it for craft purposes and don't need anything that large. I was on the phone with Alan, who was giving me advice. Finally he said that he had a smaller desktop one that I could have for a good price. Bingo!! He was looking for a larger one, capable of color, but they didn't have that. I did get a new scanner for $23. Alan couldn't get a driver for the one I have for Windows 7. I didn't use it a lot, but do miss it. So $23 was a good price for that kind of use. And then I found a 400 lb. digital scale that Alan said he could use. Everything was 70% off. So I spent at least an hour there. Then I went to HyVee and though I didn't think I needed a lot there either, managed to spend some time. I did my usual Culvers drive through, but just got a snack pack. The FOD was peanut butter cup, and I do not like peanut butter!
As I said, it was very windy coming home, and it really didn't let up all day. Just bringing my packages in the door was a challenge. There were some sprinkles tonight, so maybe we'll have rain again. The sun was shining, and if it weren't so windy, Ted and I would have taken our walk. The wind blew up an awful smell!! Asked Orrin what it was, and he said he supposed it was the pile of turkeys southeast of our place. I think they were burned up. Our neighbor lost 22,000 birds with that avian flu and that's where they dumped them!
Orrin had taken a fall in the shop yesterday, so he was a bit stiff today. Nothing serious, he was just trying to lift something that was a little heavy for him alone.
Here's a picture of the bird feeder with a bird at it!! And tonight I see that the solar light is shining, so that is working too. :)
And that's about it. Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
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