This is getting posted rather late, we just got home from New Ulm. Maria's dance recital was in Nicollet, so we met and had supper with Jer, Laura and Maria in New Ulm after it. Applebee's was super busy, and since it was already late, we decided to go to Pizza Ranch. They were just closing down, but at least it was quick and still yummy.
We didn't realize that the recital was in Nicollet, so we had gone to Mankato. I had a couple errands to run, and then got in touch with Laura, and found out we had to head back west. We were still there early, around 4 and the recital started at 5. But we got good seats that way! I had planned on more pictures, but no pics during the recital itself and it was a mob after. I did get one of her waving from the stage afterwards, though. And a picture of the dance card I made for her.
We enjoyed the recital. The first hour was selections by the different groups. Maria's group did a tap dance to "The Twist", I told her that Oma and Opa could have helped her with that!! She just gave us a strange look, hehe. The next hour and half was a play of "Alice In Wonderland". They all did a very good job, there are some advanced dancers in the school, and of course, the young ones are fun to watch. I guess Maria had t-ball in the morning for the first time, and enjoyed that.
So here are a few pics, and that's all, folks!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Another rainy day, Orrin said there was 1.2" in the gauge. They're telling us there will be sunshine for the weekend.
Not much going on here, just the usual. We've been watching the birds, they're busy at the feeders. The larger ones are a little messy though, drop a lot of the seed on the ground. I see they are down there cleaning up, though!
Orrin cleaned up the Mustang and put it out with a for sale sign. The rain helped with the cleaning up!
Tomorrow we go to Mankato for Maria's dance recital. I'm not sure if we're staying overnight or not, so I may not be posting again tomorrow. I'll take pictures!
And that's it for tonight,
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Not much going on here, just the usual. We've been watching the birds, they're busy at the feeders. The larger ones are a little messy though, drop a lot of the seed on the ground. I see they are down there cleaning up, though!
Orrin cleaned up the Mustang and put it out with a for sale sign. The rain helped with the cleaning up!
Tomorrow we go to Mankato for Maria's dance recital. I'm not sure if we're staying overnight or not, so I may not be posting again tomorrow. I'll take pictures!
And that's it for tonight,
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Wow, May is almost over, how did that happen? The old tale is true, the older you get, the faster time goes by.
I was up early to head to Watertown for ladies' bible study. We finished the book "Having a Mary Spirit" today. It was a good study, I think I'll go back and review it over the summer. We will be meeting once a month this summer at the Caribou Coffee shop using the book "Coffee with our Savior".
Orrin called during the bible study to tell me that WalMart said I had a prescription to pick up. ?? So instead of stopping at HyVee, that's where I headed. Turned out that Dr. Sarah had called in the prescriptions I needed after my appt. last week. And then I saw that Caramel Delight was the flavor of the day at Culver's, so I had to make that my last stop.
Spent a quiet afternoon, it was actually quite warm. I'll post a few more pictures from the weekend. Cori said little missy was fussy today, I think she's missing all the hugs and kisses she was getting this weekend.
I made an actual meat and potatoes supper tonight. We should be able to eat on that for the rest of the week. Then we (well, actually, I was the only one that made it through the whole thing) watched Jersey Boys. It was based on the stage production about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. It was pretty good.
And now it's heading to bed time.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, both now and forever. Jude 1:24-25
I was up early to head to Watertown for ladies' bible study. We finished the book "Having a Mary Spirit" today. It was a good study, I think I'll go back and review it over the summer. We will be meeting once a month this summer at the Caribou Coffee shop using the book "Coffee with our Savior".
Orrin called during the bible study to tell me that WalMart said I had a prescription to pick up. ?? So instead of stopping at HyVee, that's where I headed. Turned out that Dr. Sarah had called in the prescriptions I needed after my appt. last week. And then I saw that Caramel Delight was the flavor of the day at Culver's, so I had to make that my last stop.
Spent a quiet afternoon, it was actually quite warm. I'll post a few more pictures from the weekend. Cori said little missy was fussy today, I think she's missing all the hugs and kisses she was getting this weekend.
I made an actual meat and potatoes supper tonight. We should be able to eat on that for the rest of the week. Then we (well, actually, I was the only one that made it through the whole thing) watched Jersey Boys. It was based on the stage production about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. It was pretty good.
And now it's heading to bed time.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, both now and forever. Jude 1:24-25
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
We are back! Actually, we were back last night, but with unpacking, etc, I didn't get to this. We had a lovely weekend, lots of baby hugging and watching kids play. We were in Bismark Friday afternoon, and went to the Texas Roadhouse for supper with Cori, Josh and the kiddoes. We hadn't been to one of those for a while, and totally overate. That was kind of the theme for the whole weekend, actually!
We introduced Josh to the game of Farkle, he didn't seem to mind. I think he even won a game on the last night. :)
Wendy and the gang came on Saturday afternoon. Isaiah had been not so patiently waiting for them, he loves to play with his uncles.
Sunday was the party for that one year old birthday girl! She didn't seem too impressed, but was happy the whole time. Tim had made her a ladybug cake and at first she didn't want any part of it, but when she realized it was sugar, then it was okay!
That was just the destroy cake. We all shared the actual cake, nummy!
She enjoyed opening her gifts, but was a bit puzzled by the whole process, I think!
She had some help with it from the impatient boys. Lots of spoiling by the grandparents, etc. She's so good natured, it's a joy to watch her.
We spent some time in their backyard, it's huge! Josh has a marten house up, but the martens haven't come back yet this year.
The kids had a dogpile, with the dog helping out.
The next morning we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, another overeating theme! And Wendy and Tim headed west and south from there, and we headed east and south. And lovely time, and over too soon.
And that's about it for now. I may add more pictures this week. Tomorrow I have bible study in the morning. Today I went to town for the mail and to the library. They have the streets totally torn up in Canby, so I park on main street and walk over to the library.
We should be having more sunshine the rest of the week. We had about 3/4" of rain while we were gone. And the birds emptied the feeders!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
We introduced Josh to the game of Farkle, he didn't seem to mind. I think he even won a game on the last night. :)
Wendy and the gang came on Saturday afternoon. Isaiah had been not so patiently waiting for them, he loves to play with his uncles.
Sunday was the party for that one year old birthday girl! She didn't seem too impressed, but was happy the whole time. Tim had made her a ladybug cake and at first she didn't want any part of it, but when she realized it was sugar, then it was okay!
That was just the destroy cake. We all shared the actual cake, nummy!
She enjoyed opening her gifts, but was a bit puzzled by the whole process, I think!
She had some help with it from the impatient boys. Lots of spoiling by the grandparents, etc. She's so good natured, it's a joy to watch her.
We spent some time in their backyard, it's huge! Josh has a marten house up, but the martens haven't come back yet this year.
The kids had a dogpile, with the dog helping out.
The next morning we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, another overeating theme! And Wendy and Tim headed west and south from there, and we headed east and south. And lovely time, and over too soon.
And that's about it for now. I may add more pictures this week. Tomorrow I have bible study in the morning. Today I went to town for the mail and to the library. They have the streets totally torn up in Canby, so I park on main street and walk over to the library.
We should be having more sunshine the rest of the week. We had about 3/4" of rain while we were gone. And the birds emptied the feeders!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
What a beautiful day! Sunshine and just a mild wind. I started getting things together for our weekend trip. I started a couple cards, to be finished later. I stayed busy all morning, but can't think of anything specific I did!! Seemed like I got a lot done though!
I went out this afternoon and planted the rest of my flowers. I got the bed under the window done, and another pot done. I asked Orrin to help dig the holes for the clematis, and got them in too! I was hoping to find some fan flowers yet, but filled all the pots without them, so guess I'll forget them this year. I still have to clean out the beds in front of the porch, they're a mess! I think my yellow rose bush may have come back, but have to clean out the dead stuff from last year to find it.
I just made burgers and tater tots for supper, quick and easy. I was pretty stiff from bending over all afternoon, so I needed quick and easy. Then I put together the cards. A graduation card for the neighbor, and birthday cards for Cori and Riley. I embossed Cori's card, something new for me. I still have to wrap Riley's gift, we can do that in the morning.
Now I am going to take my stiff body to bed. I had hoped to get a walk in, but that didn't happen. Teddy can go with us this weekend, Cori has a huge yard for the dogs to run in. Last time we were there, though, he just stayed close to me, and watched the other two dogs run. Go figure.
I probably won't post this weekend, but will try to catch up when we get home.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Fern peony is in full bloom now. The embossing doesn't show up very well on Cori's card.
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my
name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have
said to you.” Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives, Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:26-27
I went out this afternoon and planted the rest of my flowers. I got the bed under the window done, and another pot done. I asked Orrin to help dig the holes for the clematis, and got them in too! I was hoping to find some fan flowers yet, but filled all the pots without them, so guess I'll forget them this year. I still have to clean out the beds in front of the porch, they're a mess! I think my yellow rose bush may have come back, but have to clean out the dead stuff from last year to find it.
I just made burgers and tater tots for supper, quick and easy. I was pretty stiff from bending over all afternoon, so I needed quick and easy. Then I put together the cards. A graduation card for the neighbor, and birthday cards for Cori and Riley. I embossed Cori's card, something new for me. I still have to wrap Riley's gift, we can do that in the morning.
Now I am going to take my stiff body to bed. I had hoped to get a walk in, but that didn't happen. Teddy can go with us this weekend, Cori has a huge yard for the dogs to run in. Last time we were there, though, he just stayed close to me, and watched the other two dogs run. Go figure.
I probably won't post this weekend, but will try to catch up when we get home.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Fern peony is in full bloom now. The embossing doesn't show up very well on Cori's card.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
The weather was a lot nicer today, still overcast this morning, but sunshine this afternoon!! I got two of my pots planted, so that's a start. :) I left the wagon with the rest of the plants in it out tonight, it should be warm enough. I need to finish up tomorrow.
We got our church pictures today. They turned out okay. I like the way they arranged them this time. We had Christmas cards made up this time, too, so maybe I'll actually get some in the mail this year.
Not much else going on here. I like watching the feeders, there are a few birds I'm not sure of yet. We'll have to get a book, I guess.
Nighty night, Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5-6
Another of those pesky birdfeeder pictures. There were several there, but when I opened the door, they flew off. Family dinner!
We got our church pictures today. They turned out okay. I like the way they arranged them this time. We had Christmas cards made up this time, too, so maybe I'll actually get some in the mail this year.
Not much else going on here. I like watching the feeders, there are a few birds I'm not sure of yet. We'll have to get a book, I guess.
Nighty night, Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5-6
Another of those pesky birdfeeder pictures. There were several there, but when I opened the door, they flew off. Family dinner!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Day after Cori's birthday!!
Hi again! It was warmer today, thank goodness! Still chilly, but nothing like yesterday.
Our Cori was 29 yesterday, wow! Very cold out, and it dipped toward freezing last night. We didn't have a frost, but I'm sure there were areas that did. I went to CRS club last night. Audrey drove out to our place and I drove from there. It was at Gwen's, which is in Dawson. Darlyne had Kenny drop her off there later, so we had a full house at 8 people! We played our usual game of garbage, I think I came out about even on the pennies. Since I had my A1C bloodwork in the morning, I had to pass on that delicious apple pie that Gwen had. Ah, well.
And then we I got home, had to watch the final competition of DWTS.Tonight is the final results. It's close this year.
I was up at 6 to get ready for my Dr. visit. I dropped Teddy off at Vicki's this morning, for a grooming. My A1C had gone down :), but my cholesterol was up a bit, and I'd gained weight! :( I knew I'd been eating a lot lately, seems like I was always hungry. That has to change! Then I stopped at WalMart and picked up some bird feed and a new feeder. Thought I'd give an Oriole feeder a go, so picked that up as well. When I got home, I got those all set up. I cleaned out under the steps, and organized my tubs there, one for potting and one for birdfeed. We've already had lots of new birds around the feeders. :) While I was out there I pulled some more weeds. Orrin did some mowing and helped with the feeders. He had the sprayer out, too, to work on some of the weeds.
Now we're both inside, he's already sleeping in his magic chair, and I'm going to watch my show. ~~ And Rumer and Val are the winners!! I dozed off for about half an hour, so will have to watch that part in the morning. I would wish they could all do their dancing with a few more clothes on, but I guess that's what people want.
And I'll see if I have a new picture or two, and then take myself off to bed. Have a great one! (There's a very yellow bird peeking out there.)
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and a handsome, good smelling dog, Teddy!!!
And my God will meet all our needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Phillippians 4:19
Our Cori was 29 yesterday, wow! Very cold out, and it dipped toward freezing last night. We didn't have a frost, but I'm sure there were areas that did. I went to CRS club last night. Audrey drove out to our place and I drove from there. It was at Gwen's, which is in Dawson. Darlyne had Kenny drop her off there later, so we had a full house at 8 people! We played our usual game of garbage, I think I came out about even on the pennies. Since I had my A1C bloodwork in the morning, I had to pass on that delicious apple pie that Gwen had. Ah, well.
And then we I got home, had to watch the final competition of DWTS.Tonight is the final results. It's close this year.
I was up at 6 to get ready for my Dr. visit. I dropped Teddy off at Vicki's this morning, for a grooming. My A1C had gone down :), but my cholesterol was up a bit, and I'd gained weight! :( I knew I'd been eating a lot lately, seems like I was always hungry. That has to change! Then I stopped at WalMart and picked up some bird feed and a new feeder. Thought I'd give an Oriole feeder a go, so picked that up as well. When I got home, I got those all set up. I cleaned out under the steps, and organized my tubs there, one for potting and one for birdfeed. We've already had lots of new birds around the feeders. :) While I was out there I pulled some more weeds. Orrin did some mowing and helped with the feeders. He had the sprayer out, too, to work on some of the weeds.
Now we're both inside, he's already sleeping in his magic chair, and I'm going to watch my show. ~~ And Rumer and Val are the winners!! I dozed off for about half an hour, so will have to watch that part in the morning. I would wish they could all do their dancing with a few more clothes on, but I guess that's what people want.
And I'll see if I have a new picture or two, and then take myself off to bed. Have a great one! (There's a very yellow bird peeking out there.)
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and a handsome, good smelling dog, Teddy!!!
And my God will meet all our needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Phillippians 4:19
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015 Eugene's birthday!!
Hi, here I am a day late again. We got home at a decent time, but then sat down to watch the DWTS special, and yup, fell asleep. Then this morning it was hurry up and get to Watertown for church.
We had an interesting day yesterday. Orrin came in and asked if I wanted to go to Lou's greenhouse before we headed to Ortonville. I said sure! I did find several flowering plants, but was very disappointed by their selection. I did better at Menard's and WalMart today. They said they were sold out of a lot of things, but it just didn't seem that late to me, especially with the weather. Oh, well, Orrin said I managed to spend enough anyway!
After that, we still had an hour to fill before meeting the Fuhrman bunch, so we went into the Dollar General store. (there isn't much else in Ortonville anymore). When we were in there, the skies opened up and there was a deluge for about 20 minutes. There were also tornado warnings, so we moved to the center of the store. Crazy! Prior to all this we had driven by the lake and they were weighing fish from a Cabela's fishing tournament, I wonder if they were caught in that rain?!! All the boats were in, I think, but lots of people standing around, and the rain came pretty quickly. When we got home, we had about 1/2 inch last night and then another 1/2 inch during the night.
Anyway, then we drove out to the Lakeside Restaurant and met Eugene, Deb, and Chris for a delicious supper. It was quiet when we first got there, but things got pretty lively and pretty full in a short while. We finally moved out to the patio so we could visit better, and that was nice. It's such a pretty place - I took a few pictures. Deb and Chris had been pretty busy cleaning out Jane's closet and sent several boxes home with us to take to GSI. Good thing we brought the pickup! Orrin did that, thinking we'd have more plants than we ended up with.
I got a new birdfeeder at Menard's to match the finch feeder I'd gotten, but forgot to get birdfeed! Some days that elevator just doesn't make it all the way up anymore. Orrin found a new lawn cart that was on sale, too. He put that together this afternoon and set my plants in it and put them in the garage. It's just way too windy this afternoon to do much out there with them. Hoping for a calmer day tomorrow. Then someone mentioned this morning that there was a chance for frost this week. ???!!! Crazy weather.
On the way home and then my poor wind beaten fern peony.
There were some awesome pictures on Facebook of the double rainbow and the tornado clouds over Odessa, I'll share them there, not sure if they will go out to everyone.
And that's it for tonight! Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”
John 15:4
We had an interesting day yesterday. Orrin came in and asked if I wanted to go to Lou's greenhouse before we headed to Ortonville. I said sure! I did find several flowering plants, but was very disappointed by their selection. I did better at Menard's and WalMart today. They said they were sold out of a lot of things, but it just didn't seem that late to me, especially with the weather. Oh, well, Orrin said I managed to spend enough anyway!
After that, we still had an hour to fill before meeting the Fuhrman bunch, so we went into the Dollar General store. (there isn't much else in Ortonville anymore). When we were in there, the skies opened up and there was a deluge for about 20 minutes. There were also tornado warnings, so we moved to the center of the store. Crazy! Prior to all this we had driven by the lake and they were weighing fish from a Cabela's fishing tournament, I wonder if they were caught in that rain?!! All the boats were in, I think, but lots of people standing around, and the rain came pretty quickly. When we got home, we had about 1/2 inch last night and then another 1/2 inch during the night.
Anyway, then we drove out to the Lakeside Restaurant and met Eugene, Deb, and Chris for a delicious supper. It was quiet when we first got there, but things got pretty lively and pretty full in a short while. We finally moved out to the patio so we could visit better, and that was nice. It's such a pretty place - I took a few pictures. Deb and Chris had been pretty busy cleaning out Jane's closet and sent several boxes home with us to take to GSI. Good thing we brought the pickup! Orrin did that, thinking we'd have more plants than we ended up with.
I got a new birdfeeder at Menard's to match the finch feeder I'd gotten, but forgot to get birdfeed! Some days that elevator just doesn't make it all the way up anymore. Orrin found a new lawn cart that was on sale, too. He put that together this afternoon and set my plants in it and put them in the garage. It's just way too windy this afternoon to do much out there with them. Hoping for a calmer day tomorrow. Then someone mentioned this morning that there was a chance for frost this week. ???!!! Crazy weather.
On the way home and then my poor wind beaten fern peony.
There were some awesome pictures on Facebook of the double rainbow and the tornado clouds over Odessa, I'll share them there, not sure if they will go out to everyone.
And that's it for tonight! Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”
John 15:4
Friday, May 15, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
Still kind of cool, but there was a little sunshine off and on. We had about 1/2" of rain over the last few days. They are talking about severe storms, but we're hoping they will miss us. Anyway the severe part.
I did some card making today, got one finished for Eugene and then in the mail. But I forgot to take a picture, and it turned out halfway decent. Now it looks like we might meet them for supper tomorrow night, so I could have hand delivered it! I have to make one for Miss Cori but I'll bring that to her next weekend. And also for Miss Riley. I still have some Thank Yous to make and now we have a graduation as well. I do enjoy it, but I need to get serious about cleaning up the basement area to work in.
Otherwise not a lot going on. Orrin worked on his table for the distiller and hooking it up. Not quite there yet, but getting closer.
My fern peony is close to blooming, so I should have a picture of that tomorrow. Spring seems to be a little slow in coming, or maybe it's me that's the slow part. ;)
Have a great evening, Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
I did some card making today, got one finished for Eugene and then in the mail. But I forgot to take a picture, and it turned out halfway decent. Now it looks like we might meet them for supper tomorrow night, so I could have hand delivered it! I have to make one for Miss Cori but I'll bring that to her next weekend. And also for Miss Riley. I still have some Thank Yous to make and now we have a graduation as well. I do enjoy it, but I need to get serious about cleaning up the basement area to work in.
Otherwise not a lot going on. Orrin worked on his table for the distiller and hooking it up. Not quite there yet, but getting closer.
My fern peony is close to blooming, so I should have a picture of that tomorrow. Spring seems to be a little slow in coming, or maybe it's me that's the slow part. ;)
Have a great evening, Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Feeling a little (no, a lot!) windblown tonight. The wind was VERY strong today, I could really feel it on the interstate on the way home from Watertown. I went to ladies' bible study this morning, again a nice discussion. The two chapters we were studying really were thought-provoking. Two more to go and we will have finished the book.
I didn't think I had much to do in town, but decided to stop at Office Max just to see what they had left. I was looking for a very inexpensive laser printer. Well, there wasn't much left. They were dismantling the shelving, they close in 3 days. There were several laser printers, prices very cheap, but bigger than I wanted. I'll be using it for craft purposes and don't need anything that large. I was on the phone with Alan, who was giving me advice. Finally he said that he had a smaller desktop one that I could have for a good price. Bingo!! He was looking for a larger one, capable of color, but they didn't have that. I did get a new scanner for $23. Alan couldn't get a driver for the one I have for Windows 7. I didn't use it a lot, but do miss it. So $23 was a good price for that kind of use. And then I found a 400 lb. digital scale that Alan said he could use. Everything was 70% off. So I spent at least an hour there. Then I went to HyVee and though I didn't think I needed a lot there either, managed to spend some time. I did my usual Culvers drive through, but just got a snack pack. The FOD was peanut butter cup, and I do not like peanut butter!
As I said, it was very windy coming home, and it really didn't let up all day. Just bringing my packages in the door was a challenge. There were some sprinkles tonight, so maybe we'll have rain again. The sun was shining, and if it weren't so windy, Ted and I would have taken our walk. The wind blew up an awful smell!! Asked Orrin what it was, and he said he supposed it was the pile of turkeys southeast of our place. I think they were burned up. Our neighbor lost 22,000 birds with that avian flu and that's where they dumped them!
Orrin had taken a fall in the shop yesterday, so he was a bit stiff today. Nothing serious, he was just trying to lift something that was a little heavy for him alone.
Here's a picture of the bird feeder with a bird at it!! And tonight I see that the solar light is shining, so that is working too. :)
And that's about it. Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
I didn't think I had much to do in town, but decided to stop at Office Max just to see what they had left. I was looking for a very inexpensive laser printer. Well, there wasn't much left. They were dismantling the shelving, they close in 3 days. There were several laser printers, prices very cheap, but bigger than I wanted. I'll be using it for craft purposes and don't need anything that large. I was on the phone with Alan, who was giving me advice. Finally he said that he had a smaller desktop one that I could have for a good price. Bingo!! He was looking for a larger one, capable of color, but they didn't have that. I did get a new scanner for $23. Alan couldn't get a driver for the one I have for Windows 7. I didn't use it a lot, but do miss it. So $23 was a good price for that kind of use. And then I found a 400 lb. digital scale that Alan said he could use. Everything was 70% off. So I spent at least an hour there. Then I went to HyVee and though I didn't think I needed a lot there either, managed to spend some time. I did my usual Culvers drive through, but just got a snack pack. The FOD was peanut butter cup, and I do not like peanut butter!
As I said, it was very windy coming home, and it really didn't let up all day. Just bringing my packages in the door was a challenge. There were some sprinkles tonight, so maybe we'll have rain again. The sun was shining, and if it weren't so windy, Ted and I would have taken our walk. The wind blew up an awful smell!! Asked Orrin what it was, and he said he supposed it was the pile of turkeys southeast of our place. I think they were burned up. Our neighbor lost 22,000 birds with that avian flu and that's where they dumped them!
Orrin had taken a fall in the shop yesterday, so he was a bit stiff today. Nothing serious, he was just trying to lift something that was a little heavy for him alone.
Here's a picture of the bird feeder with a bird at it!! And tonight I see that the solar light is shining, so that is working too. :)
And that's about it. Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Not much going on here today. I did get some laundry done and read my bible study chapters. The sun was shining off and on today, which was nice. It was still a bit chilly, but I think there's a warming trend on the way.
Here's the picture of the bird feeder I promised. It has a solar light on the top, but I don't think there's been enough sun to activate that yet. The birds do come for lunch, though!
And that's the news from Canby!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:10
Here's the picture of the bird feeder I promised. It has a solar light on the top, but I don't think there's been enough sun to activate that yet. The birds do come for lunch, though!
And that's the news from Canby!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:10
Monday, May 11, 2015
Monday, May 11, 2015
Hi! It was kind of damp and drizzly most of the day and really chilly. The reports say that we could dip down to 30 tonight, brrr. We checked our guages this morning. Mine said 2.8", Orrin's said 2.3". I guess we were blessed more by the house than over by the shop! I don't know why they are different.
We got the new bird feeder I ordered, so I filled it, and Orrin put up the stake for it and hung it out. I forgot to take a picture, I'll have to do that tomorrow. We had finches feeding there all day! Love to watch them.
Tonight the Ladies Club sponsered an event at church, called an "Apron Lunch". I drove over to Krause's and rode with Kathy. It was nice. I think there were close to 60 ladies that attended. We were all to wear aprons. They had some readings, and skits, and some of the ladies shared stories of the aprons they were wearing. I was just happy that I had found an apron! I didn't think I owned one. Maybe I'll start using it more often. It was a great evening of fellowship.
The best news of the day was from Wendy when she texted that her MRI and other tests all came back okay. No change from last year, so that was wonderful! Or as she said, Yahoo! She left from Rochester for home around 3, so she should be almost back. Hope there weren't any bad roads, as Rapid City had over 13" of snow this weekend. Someone at church said that the temps were around 47, so I'm sure a lot of it thawed already.
And that's about it. Have a great evening,
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
We got the new bird feeder I ordered, so I filled it, and Orrin put up the stake for it and hung it out. I forgot to take a picture, I'll have to do that tomorrow. We had finches feeding there all day! Love to watch them.
Tonight the Ladies Club sponsered an event at church, called an "Apron Lunch". I drove over to Krause's and rode with Kathy. It was nice. I think there were close to 60 ladies that attended. We were all to wear aprons. They had some readings, and skits, and some of the ladies shared stories of the aprons they were wearing. I was just happy that I had found an apron! I didn't think I owned one. Maybe I'll start using it more often. It was a great evening of fellowship.
The best news of the day was from Wendy when she texted that her MRI and other tests all came back okay. No change from last year, so that was wonderful! Or as she said, Yahoo! She left from Rochester for home around 3, so she should be almost back. Hope there weren't any bad roads, as Rapid City had over 13" of snow this weekend. Someone at church said that the temps were around 47, so I'm sure a lot of it thawed already.
And that's about it. Have a great evening,
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Sunday, May 10, 2015 Chris and Cowboy's anniversary!
I'm going to make this quick as there was a pretty close crack of thunder just now, just in case we lose power. It's been raining most of the day, well over an inch. Storms all around the way it sounds.
We were up early for church and then to bible study. It rained really hard when we got into South Dakota, Orrin had the umbrellas along, and we did need them! It had let up by the time bible study was over, but still kind of drizzly all day. There was a new member service, that was nice. And between services we had a chance to visit with Mike and Shari Klatt. Also very nice. Mike is getting around pretty good with the use of a cane. Shari just never changes.
We stopped at the DQ for lunch, it was quite busy, too. We avoided the restaurants, because of Mother's Day, but they all were busy, I guess. We had to stop at WalMart for a few things and then home by 1:30!
Orrin worked on getting the distiller hooked up and I finished a book, and just relaxed most of the day. I'd better get something done the rest of the week, I've been slacking a lot lately.
And that's about it for the day.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day, and had some good family time.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
And on a lighter note - Spring is here! I'm so excited I wet my plants!
Forgot to add pictures. Just a shot of the rain coming down, and then the plants that Al and family gave me.
We were up early for church and then to bible study. It rained really hard when we got into South Dakota, Orrin had the umbrellas along, and we did need them! It had let up by the time bible study was over, but still kind of drizzly all day. There was a new member service, that was nice. And between services we had a chance to visit with Mike and Shari Klatt. Also very nice. Mike is getting around pretty good with the use of a cane. Shari just never changes.
We stopped at the DQ for lunch, it was quite busy, too. We avoided the restaurants, because of Mother's Day, but they all were busy, I guess. We had to stop at WalMart for a few things and then home by 1:30!
Orrin worked on getting the distiller hooked up and I finished a book, and just relaxed most of the day. I'd better get something done the rest of the week, I've been slacking a lot lately.
And that's about it for the day.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day, and had some good family time.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
And on a lighter note - Spring is here! I'm so excited I wet my plants!
Forgot to add pictures. Just a shot of the rain coming down, and then the plants that Al and family gave me.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Good evening! So sorry again, to have neglected this blog for a few days. Truth be told, nothing much was going on the last couple of days. I took Ted for a short walk on Friday, did some laundry, that's about it.
I've been playing around with my inks and stamps and working on some 2-step flowers. I was hoping to get some done for the girls for Mother's Day, but then I couldn't find my sentiment for that, and just got bogged down. I really need to start these things earlier.
Wendy drove over last night, and headed straight for Jeremy and Laura's. She got in about 1. The boys had track meet, so she waited for that. And then, it turned out, they took the time to find a new vehicle, which was badly needed. They make a lot of Rochester trips and that does put on the miles. She came to MN all by herself, thinking the boys had ballgames, etc. And then it snowed in Rapid City, so everything was cancelled!! So they could have come along if they had known a little sooner. Eli was even supposed to sing the national anthem before the ball games. He's really doing well with that.
This morning I played with the stamps a little more, still didn't get anything finished. Orrin suggested that we go over early and visit with Wendy a little bit. The plan was to meet them, plus Al, Lisa, and the boys in St. Peter at Whisky River Supper Club at 5:00. So we left around 10:30, and got to Mankato about 12:30, and then stopped for a quick and small lunch. Wendy, Laura and Maria were at the Children's Museum. They were almost done when we got to town, and we decided it wasn't worth the $8 admission for us to go there. So we met them at the mall, and bopped around there a little bit. Orrin picked up our fishing license at Scheel's, I looked around Barnes and Noble a bit, and then stopped at CJ Banks. Everything was 40% off! Hmm, did I need anything? Well, no, but did I find a few things? Yep. We met the girls at Target and decided to head to St. Peter and go to the nice park there, where they had a great activity area, slides and swings and all kinds of things. Al and family came after a bit, so they all had fun for a while. :)
Al and the boys. Below, just a bit of Maria and Donald.
And the adults.
And if you look just over Laura's shoulder, you will see Wendy and Tim's new vehicle - a Subaru Forrester. Very nice looking SUV, I think they'll like it.
It will be interesting to see just how much snow they were getting out west, I guess it was melting before it hit the ground during the day, but will probably stick more tonight. Tim moved the trampoline over the garden, so it wouldn't get smushed. I talked to Cori earlier, and she said they were expecting snow tomorrow. We would take a little rain, but they can keep the snow!
We then headed over to Whiskey River for supper, which was excellent! They were very busy, I guess there were others that were having an early Mother's Day celebration. Jeremy joined us midway, he had been golfing at Chaska Country Club, very posh. He just ordered a meal to go as we were finishing up. We visited for a bit outside, it was very nice out. Alan brought Wendy and I some geraniums, he's always so thoughtful. Hope it's nice enough tomorrow to get them planted.
Oh, did I mention we took Teddy along? He was tickled to take a ride and see the kids.
A closer pic of the kids - and then of my fern peony, it's just about to bloom!
And that's it!! See you tomorrow - Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:7-8
I've been playing around with my inks and stamps and working on some 2-step flowers. I was hoping to get some done for the girls for Mother's Day, but then I couldn't find my sentiment for that, and just got bogged down. I really need to start these things earlier.
Wendy drove over last night, and headed straight for Jeremy and Laura's. She got in about 1. The boys had track meet, so she waited for that. And then, it turned out, they took the time to find a new vehicle, which was badly needed. They make a lot of Rochester trips and that does put on the miles. She came to MN all by herself, thinking the boys had ballgames, etc. And then it snowed in Rapid City, so everything was cancelled!! So they could have come along if they had known a little sooner. Eli was even supposed to sing the national anthem before the ball games. He's really doing well with that.
This morning I played with the stamps a little more, still didn't get anything finished. Orrin suggested that we go over early and visit with Wendy a little bit. The plan was to meet them, plus Al, Lisa, and the boys in St. Peter at Whisky River Supper Club at 5:00. So we left around 10:30, and got to Mankato about 12:30, and then stopped for a quick and small lunch. Wendy, Laura and Maria were at the Children's Museum. They were almost done when we got to town, and we decided it wasn't worth the $8 admission for us to go there. So we met them at the mall, and bopped around there a little bit. Orrin picked up our fishing license at Scheel's, I looked around Barnes and Noble a bit, and then stopped at CJ Banks. Everything was 40% off! Hmm, did I need anything? Well, no, but did I find a few things? Yep. We met the girls at Target and decided to head to St. Peter and go to the nice park there, where they had a great activity area, slides and swings and all kinds of things. Al and family came after a bit, so they all had fun for a while. :)
Al and the boys. Below, just a bit of Maria and Donald.
And the adults.
And if you look just over Laura's shoulder, you will see Wendy and Tim's new vehicle - a Subaru Forrester. Very nice looking SUV, I think they'll like it.
It will be interesting to see just how much snow they were getting out west, I guess it was melting before it hit the ground during the day, but will probably stick more tonight. Tim moved the trampoline over the garden, so it wouldn't get smushed. I talked to Cori earlier, and she said they were expecting snow tomorrow. We would take a little rain, but they can keep the snow!
We then headed over to Whiskey River for supper, which was excellent! They were very busy, I guess there were others that were having an early Mother's Day celebration. Jeremy joined us midway, he had been golfing at Chaska Country Club, very posh. He just ordered a meal to go as we were finishing up. We visited for a bit outside, it was very nice out. Alan brought Wendy and I some geraniums, he's always so thoughtful. Hope it's nice enough tomorrow to get them planted.
Oh, did I mention we took Teddy along? He was tickled to take a ride and see the kids.
A closer pic of the kids - and then of my fern peony, it's just about to bloom!
And that's it!! See you tomorrow - Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:7-8
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Good evening! Here we are again! I wasn't sure if I would get this done tonight, but I am!
I was up early and off to Watertown for bible study. Again, a good discussion and study. The chapter today mostly dealt with forgiveness, and certainly gave us all food for thought. We will meet 2 more times in May and then will be off for the summer.
I did my share of sneezing this morning. I think it must be allergies, because it doesn't feel like a cold or anything. Anyway, I took an allergy pill, and that helped, but I was still sneezing more than usual. I only stopped at Wally-world for some essentials, and then headed home with a Papa Murphy's pizza! We had that for lunch. :) Then I sat down for a few minutes and woke up 2 hours later! I must have needed that nap, I don't remember even stirring.
Darwin had called the other day suggesting another trip for the buffet at the casino in Granite Falls. So they stopped here at 5:30 to pick us up. While at the buffet, we ran into cousin Charles Fischer, whom we hadn't seen in a long, long time. Visited for a bit with him and Karen, and a few other people we knew from Wood Lake area.
Then it was back home. And since it was a week day for Delores, they didn't come in, she had to be up again at 5.
I delivered my cards to my friend, I hope she liked them okay. We had a bit (but only a bit) of rain this morning, it feels like it could rain again. I sure hope so, Orrin said we only had a strong .10"
And that's it! Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 ESV
I was up early and off to Watertown for bible study. Again, a good discussion and study. The chapter today mostly dealt with forgiveness, and certainly gave us all food for thought. We will meet 2 more times in May and then will be off for the summer.
I did my share of sneezing this morning. I think it must be allergies, because it doesn't feel like a cold or anything. Anyway, I took an allergy pill, and that helped, but I was still sneezing more than usual. I only stopped at Wally-world for some essentials, and then headed home with a Papa Murphy's pizza! We had that for lunch. :) Then I sat down for a few minutes and woke up 2 hours later! I must have needed that nap, I don't remember even stirring.
Darwin had called the other day suggesting another trip for the buffet at the casino in Granite Falls. So they stopped here at 5:30 to pick us up. While at the buffet, we ran into cousin Charles Fischer, whom we hadn't seen in a long, long time. Visited for a bit with him and Karen, and a few other people we knew from Wood Lake area.
Then it was back home. And since it was a week day for Delores, they didn't come in, she had to be up again at 5.
I delivered my cards to my friend, I hope she liked them okay. We had a bit (but only a bit) of rain this morning, it feels like it could rain again. I sure hope so, Orrin said we only had a strong .10"
And that's it! Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 ESV
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - Dan's birthday!
Yes, it is! My baby's birthday! Happy, happy birthday, Dan. We were going to call, but when I came into the family room, dad was already asleep, so will try tomorrow, ok?
Yesterday was kind of quiet, I did have craft club last night at Kaye's. I hadn't been to craft club since last December, so it was nice to see everyone again! Kind of nice to get into the swing of things again. It was an early night, I was home by 10.
This morning it was book club at the library. They have started tearing up those streets now, so I parked on main street and walked over to the library through the little park. We had a full group today, all the chairs were full! Nice discussion on the mystery anthology that we read. I have some titles and authors now to look into. Afterwards, I went to Subway with the other ladies, but just ordered a sub and took it home to share with Orrin, I didn't stay there to eat it.
Then it was off to Monte for hair therapy. And nail therapy. :) I was there early (or so I thought) so stopped at the library and started looking for a few of the books mentioned above. I was just taking my sweet old time, and then thought, hmm, I'd better check out what time my appointment was. Ooops, it was 1:30, I was thinking 2!! So I arrived at Dori's 15 minutes late. She was a magician, though and got my hair cut and styled in time for my nail appointment. I always feel so much better after all of that.
I did miss Treadlers again. By the time I got home it was after 4, and just felt that was too late. And. . .I had those cards to finish. I got right at that, and got them done by 8:30. At first I was not real happy with how they turned out, but they're growing on me. I had really intended to do more stamping of flowers, etc. Well, next time. Hope that Idell likes them okay. I'll post a few pics.
And now it's off to bed. I have bible study in the morning, so need to get some shuteye.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Yesterday was kind of quiet, I did have craft club last night at Kaye's. I hadn't been to craft club since last December, so it was nice to see everyone again! Kind of nice to get into the swing of things again. It was an early night, I was home by 10.
This morning it was book club at the library. They have started tearing up those streets now, so I parked on main street and walked over to the library through the little park. We had a full group today, all the chairs were full! Nice discussion on the mystery anthology that we read. I have some titles and authors now to look into. Afterwards, I went to Subway with the other ladies, but just ordered a sub and took it home to share with Orrin, I didn't stay there to eat it.
Then it was off to Monte for hair therapy. And nail therapy. :) I was there early (or so I thought) so stopped at the library and started looking for a few of the books mentioned above. I was just taking my sweet old time, and then thought, hmm, I'd better check out what time my appointment was. Ooops, it was 1:30, I was thinking 2!! So I arrived at Dori's 15 minutes late. She was a magician, though and got my hair cut and styled in time for my nail appointment. I always feel so much better after all of that.
I did miss Treadlers again. By the time I got home it was after 4, and just felt that was too late. And. . .I had those cards to finish. I got right at that, and got them done by 8:30. At first I was not real happy with how they turned out, but they're growing on me. I had really intended to do more stamping of flowers, etc. Well, next time. Hope that Idell likes them okay. I'll post a few pics.
And now it's off to bed. I have bible study in the morning, so need to get some shuteye.
Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is
God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - See
more at:
always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is
God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV) -
See more at:
always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is
God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV) -
See more at:
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
I am going to get this done early, because I know that once I sit down, it will be lights out! And that's what has happened the last few nights. There really wasn't much to post anyway, but still. . .I made the committment.
Orrin and I just came in after working outside this afternoon. I cleaned off the peonies and part of the flower bed. He came with his trusty pliers and pulled up those pesky volunteer trees that we always get. Then he just kept going, while I cleaned up the birdbath and spray painted a couple of the flower tubs with glow in the dark paint. I saw this on pinterest, and thought it was a good idea, we'll see if it works. I would have loved to go to Lou's Greenhouse this afternoon, but no sense to that if I didn't have the beds ready. So that's my goal this week. My legs were about to give in, so stopped before they did!
Yesterday morning it was the GPLHS delegate meeting, and also the Ladies Auxiliary meeting. Since I'm the president, I figured I should go! Orrin came along for the GPL meeting, he hadn't been to one for awhile. I guess it was a lively one. Our auxiliary meeting was fun, not earthshaking. We had $4000 in funds available for the wish list, so we will be fulfilling quite a few of those wishes. These are items that the teachers/staff would wish for, and not available from the general school funds. I think that's the most we've ever had available for the wishes. After the lunch, we had an appointment at the church to have our pictures taken for the new church directory. So, guess what, kids, you'll be getting presents early! LOL We were home at a decent time, after stopping for a flavor of the day at Culver's (Andes Mint Avalanche, Orrin's favorite).
This morning it was up early for first service and then bible study. We just grabbed a quick lunch at, you guessed it, Culver's! So we were really home early, which gave us time to mess around outside. Things are really budding out. Our apple tree is full of blossoms again! That made Orrin cringe. I think he was hoping for an off year.
I ordered a finch feeder, so Orrin set up the iron post thingy for it. I'll have to remember to pick up feed when I go to town. Now we will both sit down to watch some tv and probably will both fall asleep!
Have a great evening, Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy.
I just realized that I hadn't cleaned up around the plants before I took the pictures, it will look better next time!
"I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2
Orrin and I just came in after working outside this afternoon. I cleaned off the peonies and part of the flower bed. He came with his trusty pliers and pulled up those pesky volunteer trees that we always get. Then he just kept going, while I cleaned up the birdbath and spray painted a couple of the flower tubs with glow in the dark paint. I saw this on pinterest, and thought it was a good idea, we'll see if it works. I would have loved to go to Lou's Greenhouse this afternoon, but no sense to that if I didn't have the beds ready. So that's my goal this week. My legs were about to give in, so stopped before they did!
Yesterday morning it was the GPLHS delegate meeting, and also the Ladies Auxiliary meeting. Since I'm the president, I figured I should go! Orrin came along for the GPL meeting, he hadn't been to one for awhile. I guess it was a lively one. Our auxiliary meeting was fun, not earthshaking. We had $4000 in funds available for the wish list, so we will be fulfilling quite a few of those wishes. These are items that the teachers/staff would wish for, and not available from the general school funds. I think that's the most we've ever had available for the wishes. After the lunch, we had an appointment at the church to have our pictures taken for the new church directory. So, guess what, kids, you'll be getting presents early! LOL We were home at a decent time, after stopping for a flavor of the day at Culver's (Andes Mint Avalanche, Orrin's favorite).
This morning it was up early for first service and then bible study. We just grabbed a quick lunch at, you guessed it, Culver's! So we were really home early, which gave us time to mess around outside. Things are really budding out. Our apple tree is full of blossoms again! That made Orrin cringe. I think he was hoping for an off year.
I ordered a finch feeder, so Orrin set up the iron post thingy for it. I'll have to remember to pick up feed when I go to town. Now we will both sit down to watch some tv and probably will both fall asleep!
Have a great evening, Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy.
I just realized that I hadn't cleaned up around the plants before I took the pictures, it will look better next time!
"I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2
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