Hello from windy western MN. Actually the wind went down tonight, but it was fierce all day. It was warm enough for a walk, but didn't want to fight the wind. Teddy would have been okay with it, but he has a smaller profile. :)
I didn't post yesterday because there was absolutely nothing to post. Other than the fact that every time I sat down, Teddy was on my lap. I think he missed me.
We got up for early service. There was no bible study, as it was confirmation Sunday and they had questioning between services. We didn't go in for that, but had a nice visit with Terry and Kathy in the fellowship hall. There were 15 confirmands. Also two of the Korean national students from GPLHS were baptized in the first service this morning. Praise the Lord!!
We ate at Perkins today, I was in the mood for something a little nicer. We ran into the Madsen's there and had a chance to chat with Mike before we were seated. He's had some health issues this winter, but is hanging in there! They are fellow aggies and we used to double date back in the day!
Again, had to stop at Wallyworld for a couple of prescriptions. We ran into Darcy and Dennis there and visited for a while. I wouldn't have known Dennis, in fact I looked at him and didn't realize at all that it was him until Darcy came over. They had two carts, mostly for cat and dog food!! I think their cat count was at 16 now. So you see, Jeremy and Laura, you aren't even close yet! But their cats are all outdoors.
Laura, great kite flying pictures!! The kites would have flown off with Maria and Jeremy here. Looks like a nice day and no more snow!
I chatted on FB with Lisa for a little bit. They had visited the emmigration center museum, and she said she found mom's name listed. I didn't realize there was something like that. They are at the Netherlands now and will be walking in the flower fields tomorrow. So neat.
Please say a prayer tonight for Jane. Deb and Rich were there and she had gone home for church and visit. She got the chills real bad and ended up going by ambulance to the hospital. She has IV for fluid and antibiotic and they are keeping her in the hospital overnight. Her white count wasn't really high yet and they officially ruled out the flu. I was planning on a visit this week, but will give her a day or two to feel better.
And that's it! Hugs and have a good night, Orrin, Linda and Teddy
A great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus
was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to
meet Him, and cried out: “Hosanna! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name
of the Lord! The King of Israel!” (John 12:12-13)
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