Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Oh, my!  March is almost done!  Well, for sure this week the cold weather is done.  I hope it stays warm for a while.  Ted and I went for a walk, and just needed a light (bright orange) jacket.  The wind was a little brisk, worse coming back home, but not terrible like yesterday.   It was in the 60's.

I'm not sure what we're doing for Easter, we had kind of planned on WI, but guess it's not a good time right now.  For right now, I'm going to work on some cards this year, and hopefully get them in the mail on Thursday.  I have a design in mind and I got this great new tool for stamping today that should make them turn out much better.

Lisa sent some awesome pictures on FB today, with windmills and tulips.  Where do you think they are? !  

This afternoon we went to Madison to deliver our information to our tax person, and hope for the best!  LOL  

I tried a new recipe for stroganoff tonight, which really didn't turn out that well.  I think my mom's old recipe is still the best.  

Jane is still struggling with a temperature, which indicates an infection, probably bladder related again.  She is in the hospital in Graceville, and will probably be there for a few days yet.  Please keep her in your prayers.  And Eugene as well, it's a strain for him, too.

Well, that's all I have.

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:11

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hello from windy western MN.  Actually the wind went down tonight, but it was fierce all day.  It was warm enough for a walk, but didn't want to fight the wind.  Teddy would have been okay with it, but he has a smaller profile.  :)

I didn't post yesterday because there was absolutely nothing to post.  Other than the fact that every time I sat down, Teddy was on  my lap.  I think he missed me.

We got up for early service.  There was no bible study, as it was confirmation Sunday and they had questioning between services.  We didn't go in for that, but had a nice visit with Terry and Kathy in the fellowship hall.  There were 15 confirmands.  Also two of the Korean national students from GPLHS were baptized in the first service this morning.  Praise the Lord!!

We ate at Perkins today, I was in the mood for something a little nicer.  We ran into the Madsen's there and had a chance to chat with Mike before we were seated.  He's had some health issues this winter, but is hanging in there!  They are fellow aggies and we used to double date back in the day!

Again, had to stop at Wallyworld for a couple of prescriptions.  We ran into Darcy and Dennis there and visited for a while.  I wouldn't have known Dennis, in fact I looked at him and didn't realize at all that it was him until Darcy came over.  They had two carts, mostly for cat and dog food!!  I think their cat count was at 16 now.  So you see, Jeremy and Laura, you aren't even close yet!  But their cats are all outdoors.

Laura, great kite flying pictures!!  The kites would have flown off with Maria and Jeremy here.  Looks like a nice day and no more snow!

I chatted on FB with Lisa for a little bit.  They had visited the emmigration center museum, and she said she found mom's name listed.  I didn't realize there was something like that.  They are at the Netherlands now and will be walking in the flower fields tomorrow.  So neat.

Please say a prayer tonight for Jane.  Deb and Rich were there and she had gone home for church and visit.  She got the chills real bad and ended up going by ambulance to the hospital.  She has IV for fluid and antibiotic and they are keeping her in the hospital overnight.  Her white count wasn't really high yet and they officially ruled out the flu.  I was planning on a visit this week, but will give her a day or two to feel better.

And that's it!  Hugs and have a good night,  Orrin, Linda and Teddy

A great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: “Hosanna! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel!” (John 12:12-13)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hi from the farm!!  I'm home again.  Kind of nice and Teddy seemed happy to see me.  He's stayed pretty close.  :)

It was a quiet day today.  I read, the boys were on their tablets, and we just hung out.  I was good with that!

Al was home by 4:30, so we loaded up everything (I already had done most of that) and headed west.  I called Orrin to let him know that we had left Gibbon, and he just laughed and said they were in Boyd!  We had over an hour to drive yet, and they were half way there!

Donald rode with me and Nate rode with Alan.  They got sidetracked by Granite, as Alan saw an eagle flying over the river, so they had to turn off to watch it.

We finally connected with the SD car, and went in for the buffet.  Apparently I went right past them at the corner and they were waving at me like crazy, but I didn't notice them.  I think because their windows were tinted.  Or maybe because I don't look around that much!  

Donald's eyes were pretty big when we walked through the casino to get to the buffet.  I think he saw all those machines and thought, wow, that's a lot of games!  We had a great meal, even the boys filled their plates, which is no small feat!  

On the way home, it started snowing, not sure if it's going to amount to anything.  Kathy called to say they had turned at the corner to go to our place and if we had dessert ready.  Since I had seen their taillights headed west from the corner, I knew they were joshing.  LOL

Well, it will be good to be in my own bed.  Have a great night!

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Good evening!  The sun was out most of the day, and though there was some wind it was warmer.  Snow level dropped considerably.  :)

We went to church last night, but ate supper at home beforehand, so didn't stay for lunch.  The boys and I read, played on our tablets/computers, and just had a quiet day yesterday.  It was still too cold to play outside.  Lisa did a Hangouts call to Donald, and again the video wasn't very good, but had a nice chat.  

This morning I made pancakes again, and then after Alan went to work, I took the boys over to the pastor's house for a "play date" with their boys.  It gave me some peaceful time to myself.  I picked them up at 11:00 and then asked if they'd like to go to town for lunch!  So we drove over to Hutchinson and ate at Culvers.  Always a favorite.  I wanted to stop at JoAnns and they grudgingly went along.  It was a disappointment, I didn't see anything there I needed or wanted.  It's easier to just go online and order.  We did stop at Target, and since they were so good, I got them some new Skylanders.  I stopped for gas at KwikTrip, it was $2.16, which was pretty cheap.  I just goes down and up, now they're saying it should go up again, because of the unrest in the middle east.

Lisa called on my phone tonight.  The picture was better, but the audio was in and out.  They had supper tonight at a "dark" restaurant.   They sat in the dark, ate in the dark and were served and educated? by blind waiters.  She said it was really dark, too.  It does sound like they're having a good time, though.  That's great!

Alan had a meeting after work tonight, so won't see him for at least another hour.  The boys have their pj's on and are watching a movie.  I watched "God's Not Dead" last  night on Netflix.  It was good, but different.  

And that's about it for tonight.  Hope you all had sunshine wherever you are.  Spring is on the way!!  A little green outside would be nice.  :)

Hugs, Linda, Alan, Nate, Donald and Summer

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed. . .nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wow, finally I'm back!  Alan got my laptop up and running again.  Apparently, it hadn't done any updates since 2011!!  I don't know how that happened, I thought it was on automatic update. I know I've used it since then.  I refused to use the tablet and no physical keyboard, that just takes too long.

Anyway, a little catching up to do.  Sunday we went to early service and bible study, and then had lunch at the DQ with Terry and Kathy.  When we got home, I got busy and packed (which I hadn't started yet) and finally hit the road around 4.  It was white knuckle driving after Granite Falls, light, continuous snow all the way.  40 mph at the most, 30-35 quite a bit of the way.  It was that nasty, slushy stuff that pulls you off the road.  Luckily, there was traffic, and I was behind a pickup most of the time.  I got here about 6:30, so it could have been worse.  Al said the next day that there was 7"!!  I talked to Orrin and he said we just had a dusting at home.

We settled in just fine.  The boys tested me a little Monday morning, but we're all good now.  Most of the time.  LOL  I was hoping we could do some walks, but it was just too nasty out.  It hasn't really warmed up much here.  Maybe the sun will be out more today.  There's church tonight.  

Monday we did some picking up and searching.  The roku controller was missing, as well as Donald's glasses.  We did find the roku that afternoon, just found the glasses this morning in their bedroom!

Yesterday morning we drove downtown (it was too cold to walk) so I could mail a package and then we went to the library.  They have a very nice library here, with current titles.  They are also part of a larger system.  Not the same system as ours, but the same type.  The afternoon I spent reading and they were on their tablets.  Bad me.  Today we're not going to do that.

Right now they are building with their knex.  I have read to them each day, and we've played games with dad in the evening.  We played Mouse Trap last night which I've never seen before.  It's already Wednesday! so the week is going by fast.

Orrin called and said that I should come to the casino in Granite Falls Friday on my way home to meet Hunts for supper.  They have a wonderful buffet there.  Alan said that he and the boys might come, too.  Oops, that reminds me, I need to call Delores to confirm.

Lisa called Nate on Hangouts yesterday afternoon (on his tablet)  We could hear her but the visual was bad, lots of interference.  At the end of the chat, we could see her, but then lost audio.  They had been to Martin Luther's home.  Sounds like they were having a good time.  It you saw Lisa's FB post about 150th anniversary and were puzzled, so was I.  It's their combined ages this year.  So glad the sisters are able to spend some time together like this.  She'll be back home next Thursday.  The boys will have school next week, so I don't need to be here.  

Karen Mischke will be having bypass surgery, so keep her in your prayers.  Jer and Cori, that is Dustin's mom.

Well, I'd better get off and pay attention to the guys. 

Hugs, Linda, Al, Nate, Donald and Summer


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Good evening!  Just got back from our trip to Mankato, and thought I would get this written.  We met the kids at 5ish at, you guessed it!, Red Lobster for supper.  We had a nice visit and meal.  Maria entertained us.  :)  Then we went over to the mall for a little walking around.  That was a good idea after a big meal!  

I made some banana bars this morning, and washed some more laundry.  Orrin realized that he didn't have any work clothes left, so I had to get some of those done.

After a shower, we were ready to head east.  We had a little shopping to do, mainly Sam's Club.  I did get a quick visit to Michael's accomplished.  Then Jer called and said they were in town.

Now I need to pack for the week, and get a few other things ready.

And that's all she wrote!  

Orrin, Linda and Teddy

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and these things shall be added to you.  Matthew 6:33

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, First day of Spring!! March 20, 2015

I didn't have a post last night, because, frankly, it was a pretty dull day.  About the only thing that happened is that Ted and I went for a very short walk.  Heading south was brutal, the wind really cut.  Heading back north wasn't too bad, but I think my sniffles that I've been battling today were a result of that little walk.

It was a little busier today.  I did some major cleaning up in the kitchen area (and it's a mess again tonight, more on that later)  I've been on my feet since then.  I cleaned 4 lbs. of strawberries, oh, they're so nice and red and sweet!  Also cut up 2 cantaloupes.  I'll bring a lot of that to Gibbon, the boys like cantaloupe.  Not sure about strawberries, but my big boy likes them.  :)

I still have to cut up the broccoli and jicama, but they don't take long.  I fried up 6 lbs. of burger, using some of it for hamburger hot dish tonight, and some also for chow mein hot dish, so Orrin has something to eat next week.  I snuck in a couple loads of laundry too.

Patty called from Needleworks and said that Mark wouldn't be available to help me with the machine until 2, if that was ok.  I said that was fine, maybe it was best to wait until the following week anyway.  I think that would make more sense, tomorrow was looking kind of busy.

Orrin suggested that we go over to Mankato to take Laura and her little family out for her birthday.  I messaged her and she said that later in the day would work better.  So we're going to meet them around 5 for that.  She said that Maria could pick where, so I have a feeling it will be Red Lobster!!  We'll be coming home after, so it will be a quick trip.  I do have a couple things to do there, so that works.

I made 4 loaves of banana bread, which is in the oven right now.  I intend to make banana bars as well, finally use up the bananas that were in the freezer.  So, yes, the kitchen is a bit of a mess again.  Dishes are soaking in the sink and the cupboards are cleaned off again.  :)

I'm leaving Sunday afternoon to stay in Gibbon with the boys while Lisa flies off to Germany!!  Think I'll be able to keep them entertained?  I know they're happy with their screens, but I'm hoping we can think of other things to do.  I'm not sure how much I'll be able to be on here, hopefully it will work.

We watched a couple of movies the last few nights.  I had DVR'd some when there was a free HBO, etc. weekend this winter.  We watched The Face of Love, which was okay, but a little strange.  Tonight we watched August:Osage County which I would definitely NOT recommend.  Lots of bad language.  Orrin fell asleep.  

Well, that's it for tonight, it might be late tomorrow night.  Have a good evening, Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.  Revelation 12:11

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

It was a bit chillier today, in fact, once I got on the road, I ran into snow by Gary!  We never got that here, but did get some light moisture.  It stayed in the 30's all day.

I dropped the Ted off on the way to Watertown for bible class.  He always gets so excited, he knows where he's going!  He was a very smelly dog, so really  needed his grooming.

I really enjoyed bible study, as always.  We have a very diverse (think that's the right word) group, young, old, and in between.  Our leader was not feeling so good this morning, so Heather led the class and did a fine job!  It was parent/grandparent day at St. Martin's school, so there were a lot of families there, and some of our ladies took some time to have pictures taken.  

From there I went to GSI with a car FULL of stuff.  All 4 of the old kitchen chairs and 6 boxes of mixed things, books, audiobooks, clothes, etc.  More things out of the house!!  :)  And I didn't even look around, so I wouldn't bring something else home!

I stopped at Needleworks, after I realized that I had totally forgotten about embroidery class last Friday!  Another affect of old age, I guess.  Anyway, I visited with Patty there for a while, signed up for the next 3 months of class, and drooled over the new Baby Lock some more.  Also made an appointment to go in on Saturday and get a refresher course on my machine, as Mark has it ready to go.  I have a couple of projects that I want to get done.

Then a quick stop at HyVee and WallyWorld (prescription), and the drivethru at Culver's for lunch to eat on the way home.  I stopped to pick up our handsome dog, he looks and smells so nice again!  He's excited to see me again, which is always nice.  

I was home long enough to check e-mail, etc. and it was time to turn around and head back to Watertown for Lenten service.  The new dean at GPLHS, Pastor Hanson was the preacher tonight and he did a very nice job.  Pizza for lunch after, and a visit with some friends.  

Now we're home again, and ready to call it a night!  Hugs,  Orrin, Linda and Teddy

His favorite spot, on the arm of Orrin's chair.
And his second favorite, on the bed!

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Philippians 2:3-4

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thought I'd get this written now, as I have a feeling that once I sit down, I'll drift off.  I think Orrin has already done that!

Jane called this morning to say that she couldn't get into her new e-mail account.  I'm not sure what the problem was.  She said that there is a gal there that is good with computers and could help her.  I checked it on my computer here and got in with no problem.  So if she doesn't respond to your e-mails right away, be patient, she will as soon as she can access them.

One e-mail of hers that I did read was from cousin Ron Boots.  He said that Alfred's oldest son had passed away from leukemia at the age of 54.  I told Jane about that.  

Ted and I got a walk in around noon.  Going south was fine, but when we turned to head north again, the wind was kind of sharp, it brought tears to my eyes.  Just glad we're still able to be out and walking.  It only got to 40 today, might be warmer tomorrow.

It was Trinity Treadlers this afternoon, but for whatever reason, I just couldn't get up the interest in going over for it.  The next time will be the first week of April and I will definitely get there then.

I read the latest book by Monica Ferris.  I enjoy them, they're a nice, light read and set in Minnesota.  There is a recurring set of characters, and usually a mystery involved.  I'm looking forward to Marie Bostwick's newest book, The Second Sister, which comes out on March 31.

That's about as exciting as it got here today.  Time for the couch!

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

This then is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us.  For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.  1 John 3:19-20

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Well, our lovely weather is gone for now.  It was downright chilly today.  Ted and I did our walk this morning, when it was probably the warmest.  At least there wasn't any wind.  And I saw a robin this morning!!  Unfortunately, when I went to open the window to snap a pic, the little bugger flew off.  But I really did see it, really!

After the walk, and a shower, I headed north.  I stopped at Madison at the post office to mail those two overdue cards.  Sorry Laura and Debbie!  Oh, and it's Debra Jane's birthday today.  A quick stop at the library and then a quick stop at the DQ to get that free cone, and I continued north.

Jane was looking kind of tired when I got there, she had another bout with low blood pressure this morning.  She was starting to feel better though.  I helped her set up a gmail account, so she could get e-mail again.  Her new e-mail is and she would appreciate mail, so she could rebuild her contact list.  That was on her old ISP and since that was shut down she couldn't retrieve it.  It will take time to rebuild it manually, but as she said, she has time!

Then we went out to the lunch room for coffee.  We were surprised to see her neighbor, Marilyn, and our cousin Paul and his wife Darlys!  Their church in Chokio had served at the home today and we didn't realize it.  They had stopped at Jane's room, but since the door was closed, they didn't disturb her.  I suppose we were so absorbed in setting up the e-mail, we never heard anything.  So we all had a nice visit.

It was getting overcast and spitting a little moisture, so I left around 4.  It was a nice day, a little sunshine would have been welcome.  :)  

We watched "Philomena" tonight.  Well, I watched it, I think Orrin only saw the first 10 minutes.  I don't thing it interested him very much.  It was pretty good, again based on a true story.  I had DVR'd a bunch of these movies when we had the free weekend this winter, and we are just now catching up on some of them.

Now it's bedtime.  Have a good evening.

Hugs, Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Whew, almost didn't get on here to write this!!  We were watching the Sunday lineup.  Now Orrin is asleep in front of the tv, and here I am!

We were up and made it to early service.  The winds were strong at home, but by the time we got to Watertown, they were mild.  Weird.  We had bible study after church, and finished up the book of Titus.  Which was interesting, since Orrin and I hadn't been there for any of the rest of the book.  Orrin was sick one week and we were in RC last week.  It was a short book.  It was a very interesting one, though, we'll have to go back during the week, and study it on our own.

After that, we had lunch at the Wheel Inn with some of our friends from bible study.  That was fun.  I had a pancake that was, literally, larger than the plate!

We had some shopping to do, and some prescriptions to pick up, but we still were home by 1:30.  I finished a book that I had started, and then made two birthday cards, that should have been in the mail last week.  But they are done now, and will be in the mail in the morning!  

I'm still waiting for that first robin.  The temps were in the 70's today, unbelievable!.  

Have a great evening.

Orrin, Linda and Teddy

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.  He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Saviour, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.  Titus 3:4-7

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Slow Saturday, March 14, 2015

What a beautiful day again!  It's hard to believe this is March weather, especially after the brutal temperatures in February.  We just have to soak this in, just in case it changes.  

Teddy and I had our walk this afternoon, I didn't even need my earmuffs.  I hope these temps continue, because we are both expecting to keep up our walks.  I didn't see any robins, but we saw plenty of deer tracks along the road, which Teddy had to investigate.  

We're watching a Hallmark movie, Orrin likes them too.  And that's about as exciting as it got today.

Enjoy this lovely weather, get out and do some things outdoors.  I was glad to see the Rapid City folks did that, and the Lake Crystal Coles, too.  As well as the Bismarck group.  Thanks for sharing the pictures.

And here are a couple of mine.  :)

Have a great night!  Hugs from Orrin, Linda and Teddy

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Romans 15: 5-6

Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday, the 13th of March 2015

Good evening!  Happy birthday, Laura!!  It was a pretty nice day again, just a bit windy.  Teddy and I went for a walk this afternoon, a little further every day.  Hope this weather keeps up for a while.  Teddy's loving it!  And we both need the exercise.

Kind of a quiet day, otherwise.  I did some reading, which is always relaxing for me.  

Here's the other picture I was looking for last night.  Surprisingly, the bed fit quite well.  And we have all the room we need.  We slept comfortably last night, I think we're going to like it.  I like having the head raised, Orrin prefers it down.  And I didn't have the backache I usually have in the morning!!

I do need to do something about that large empty space over the head of the bed, though.  I thought I would put the picture of dad in Montana, but decided it was too heavy, and didn't want it coming down on our heads.  We would like to get the lights back over the top, so will have to figure something out.  We still have that board, but it's 16" too short now.  Jeremy?  

We watched "Captain Phillips" tonight with Tom Hanks.  It was good, but pretty intense.  You don't hear so much about the piracy anymore, maybe they've quit doing it?

Have a good night, all,  Hugs,  Orrin, Linda, and Teddy.

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” - Psalm 37:4

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, Another Fine Day, March 12, 2015

Whoops, I missed another day.  We woke up yesterday to a fine mess in the basement.  Our water line had froze up from the house again, and we had water down there.  Obviously from the toilet.  So, no using the toilet, the sink, anything!  We vacuumed up the water, threw out a few things, and then I took a bucket of clorox water and started mopping.  Luckily it wasn't too far into the basement (there's a slope down there.) so it wasn't too bad.  The guy to deal with the blockage couldn't make it until the afternoon, so that meant we weren't going to make church.  Sigh.  Anyway, he did come, did clear up the blockage in short time, and all is well.  Just a day spent doing something we hadn't really cared to do.  I didn't even get a walk in on such a nice day.  :(  We did finish up in the bedroom, moved things around and vacuumed and dusted.  We are ready for that bed!

I finished a few things in the bedroom this morning, and then moved into the kitchen.  More decluttering.  Started working on the table, but didn't get too far with that.  How does so much stuff always get piled on the table?  Grrrr.

Then the two fellows delivered the bed.  It only took about an hour to set it up.  And, actually, it looks more roomy in there than it did before!!!  Go figure.  It probably took me longer to put the bedding on it than it took them to set it up.  That split in the top part made it a challenge, I could barely reach across to tuck that part in.  I told Orrin he could help next time.  We're looking forward to our first sleep in it tonight.
Hmm, there should be another picture, but it hasn't uploaded yet.  I'll add it tomorrow.
I did get a walk in with Teddy while they were working.  I thought it would be chilly, because there was quite a breeze, but it was really pleasant.  I'll have to slowly work back up to the distance I was doing last fall.  It is supposed to cool down again next week, back to more normal March temps. 

It was a couple of busy days.  And now we're ready for nighty night.

Hugs,  Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Good evening.   I missed last night because I really didn't feel well.  We made it home about 4, with many rest room stops.  My tummy just was not good.  I don't know if it was the Mexican food from the night before or just a bug.  So Orrin had to drive the whole way home.  
Feeling a bit better today.   Slept some this morning and then picked up.  Teddy and I had a nice, if short walk.   It was 60 degrees!   And that's as exciting as it got today.  
Hugs,  Orrin, Linda and teddy. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday March 8, 2015

This could be short tonight again.  We'll be heading home in the morning.  It's been a fun and eventful weekend. 

We did make early service, even though it was time change Sunday.  After the service, a man from The Lutheran Home in Belle Plaine, MN led the bible study by giving information on what they all serve.  It's amazing.  I knew it was a large enterprise, just didn't realize how much was involved.  They even have some services offered in Malawi!  It was a very interesting hour. 

Pastor and Betty Dobberstein were in church, so we had an opportunity to visit with them a little bit.  Pastor looks remarkably well, and his attitude was great, of course.  It was good to see them.

Then it was off to watch Eli's last game of the weekend.  They played a very hard fought game, but lost by one point.  Kind of disappointing for these 3rd and 4th graders, some tears were shed.  We did enjoy watching these games this weekend.  We went to a pizza place for lunch, you go in a line, and choose your own toppings, it's baked and ready by the time you get to the end of the line.

Orrin and Tim took Eli for baseball tryouts and Wendy and I went to Target (more shopping, imagine that!)  Then home for the rest of the afternoon.  Eli won't know the results of the tryout for a while. 

It was beautiful out again today, in the 50's.  No coat weather.  I was so tired for some reason (probably the time change) so I took a nap, while Wendy took the dogs and Matthew for a walk.  When the guys got back, Orrin thought eating out sounded like a good idea.  So we went to On the Border for Mexican.  Numm.

Now we're debating if we should play another game.  The boys are showering and heading to bed, school again in the morning.

Just relaxing with Skylanders before supper.
Have a great evening, wish us well on our trip home, glad to get back home.  :)
Orrin, Linda, Tim, Wendy, Eli, Matthew, Teddy and Patch.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Super Saturday, March 7, 2015

We had a big day today.  Eli's first game was at 8.  It was fun to watch, so glad we could make it here for that.  They lost.  Then Wendy and I went to Kohl's to check out their big sales (I had a 30% off coupon) and found a few things.  Orrin, Tim and the boys had gone on their own, so we met them at Cabela's (where else?) 

Then we went to the Japanese Steakhouse for lunch.  That was a very interesting and entertaining time!  They make the meal on the grill in front of you.  Our chef could throw those knives (and broccoli) like crazy.  He flicked the small pieces of broccoli right into our mouths (well, he missed mine).  He was bouncing raw eggs on his turner too, it was awesome!  He started out with a fire on the grill!  The boys almost tipped over backwards, it was so hot.  He made rice, veggies, and our meats of choice while we watched.  It was delicious! 

It was just a fun time for all of us, and full tummies as well!  Then Wendy and I walked over to Michael's and the guys headed home.
Eli's next game was at 2.  They played really hard, and again they lost.  Wendy and I went to Sam's to pick up some essentials and they guys went home and unloaded the bed and set it up.  They said they would take our original select number bed. 
 We had reheated Japanese food (there was so much left, we took some home) and now are relaxing.  The boys went to bed, as tomorrow will come fast, with losing an hour tonight.  Oh, we did play a couple of rousing games, first Qwirkle, which Matthew won, and then Farkle, which Tim won.


Just a couple of pics from the game, which I can't seem to get to align.  OH, well. Eli is #28.
Better get to bed, tomorrow will be here before we know it.
Orrin, Linda, Wendy, Tim, Eli, Matthew, Teddy and Patch.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

Good evening.  This will be shorter as I'm doing it on my tablet.   We left home at 8 this morning.   Teddy always hovers because he's afraid he'll get left.   Orrin took a different route than usual,  new scenery.   We made it to Mitchell for lunch.  Then I realized I had forgotten teddy's leash, so we had to stop at Walmart to pick one up.  It's good for us to break the trip up and walk around,  anyway.   I drove from Mitchell to Kadoka.  

We stopped at Wall for that good ice water.   Made it to Rapid City about 4.  Wendy was home at 5:30.  They made a delicious pork chop supper for us.

Then the boys got to open their gifts.  I had mailed their cards on Monday and they just got them today!  Eli sang his songs for us..he did an excellent job!  Boys went to bed and we played a game of Quirkle.  Now we're watching Gold Rush and Patch is snuggled under the blanket with me, she's a snuggler.  :)

I'll post some pictures tomorrow, I'm not sure how to do it on the tablet.

Night,  Orrin, Linda, Wendy, Tim,Eli, Matthew,  Teddy and Patch.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I'm going to do this early, as we are leaving for Rapid City in the morning, so will go to sleep early.  

I started my bedroom decluttering, and got pretty far.  Then Orrin came in and said to clear off the bed.  So I started washing the bedding, and he started dismantling the bed.  Wendy said they would take it, so he loaded it into the pickup.  I make that sound easy, it took the rest of the morning to take it apart!
I had to find a temporary home for my dolls, so they are now residing on the living room couch.  

It's looking kind of bare in there, and we have some work to do yet.  But it's good for now.  We'll be sleeping on the couch/recliner until the new bed gets here.  Which is where we spend a lot of time anyway.  LOL

I made those t-bone steaks tonight.  I'd thought we could maybe grill them sometime, but too much snow on the grill and too much wind tonight, so I just cooked them on the stove top.  They were very nice and tender.  Orrin accidentally dropped a piece, and Teddy swooped in for a quick pickup!  

I got the boys gifts wrapped and ready to go, and as you can see in the pictures, we are mostly packed.  I'm just waiting for the sheets in the dryer and we should be good.  We haven't seen the RC bunch since December, so we're looking forward to it.  :)  Wendy had sent a clip of Eli's class singing last night for Lenten service, they sounded great!  I am always amazed at the abilities of these kids, just 3rd and 4th grades.

Have a great night, and a great weekend!  I'm not sure if I'll be posting while we're there or not.

Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Think Spring!!  And don't forget to set clocks ahead this weekend.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4th!!  Well into the month already.  I have a feeling this one is going to go by fast, too.

I got up early enough to make it in for bible study.  It was a very, very interesting chapter.  Lots to think about.  We had a good group, and a good discussion.  I really do enjoy these sessions, so happy it's going well.  Jody Hahnke leads it and does an excellent job.  

After bible study, I stopped at Office Peeps and picked up our chairs!!  I'm going to really like these.  I did discover that with the arms, they don't slide under the table very far, but we can live with that.  :)  They fit into the front and back seats of the pickup, which made it easier for me.

Aren't the wheels neat??  I think we'll like them.  The roll easily on the carpet, and are very comfy.  Anyone interested in the blue wood chairsOtherwise we'll take them into GSI.

Then I decided I'd stop at Hy-Vee for a few of their specials (and it's senior day).  Saw a high school friend there.  It really seems to be the spot on Wednesdays!  I needed to stop at WalMart for my prescriptions, too.  So by that time it was 11, so did the Culver's drivethru (Turtle was FOD, now how could I not stop?)

I was home by noon, not much time before we had to go into town for a meeting.  From there it was back to Watertown for Lenten service.  Pastor Radtke had a very good sermon, and a ladies group sang a pretty song.
The young people's served barbecues, chips and veggies, and of course, a choice of bars.  Numm.  It's always a good fellowship time.

So it was a busy day.   We were home by 7 and Orrin is ensconced in front of the TV and here I am.  :)  

Nighty-nite,  Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  Mark 13:31

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A very, very quiet day here.  It had snowed, and it was blowing hard this morning, so I didn't make it in for book club :(.  I did finish the book, and it actually got better (for me, anyway) and I did enjoy it.  Pretty much about food, but interesting.  I never realized how important those stars were in French cuisine.

And that was about it.  Orrin did make it in to town this afternoon, he had some parts he needed to get to town.  It seem pretty calm tonight, so I'm hopeful that I'll make it to Watertown for bible class in the morning.  It's supposed to warm up later this week, so there is hope for spring!!

Have a good evening!  Orrin, Linda and Teddy

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way.   Psalm 46:1-2

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Whoops, can you believe, I started typing February, instead of March?  March is coming in like a lion.  Just let Teddy out, and the cold wind is starting.  I don't see any snow yet, but can feel it.

Orrin was feeling better this morning, so we got up early and headed east. Made a quick stop at Hardee's for some breakfast biscuits and we made it to Gibbon by 8, and had a pleasant morning visiting the boys' classrooms.  We split up, taking turns in each room.  They have a busy schedule!  Wonderful teachers!  I'm so glad we were able to make it today, because with the weather supposed to be coming in, I'm not sure we would have gotten there on Wednesday.  Donald had a tough morning, he forgot his glasses at home, and his snack and snowpants in the van!  He's pretty happy-go-lucky so it was all fine. 

The school served a nice lunch for parents/grandparents.  A very nice morning.  I had given some thought to going into Mankato for the afternoon, but I was the only one that thought that way, :(  so we headed home.

Made it home by 3.  Since we hadn't stopped, I needed to run into town for a few groceries.  I'm not sure about the morning, and we needed a few things.  I picked up chicken at the deli, and some potato salad - supper!!

I read during the trip home, but haven't finished the book for book club yet.  I'll try to finish it yet tonight.  

Jeremy messaged a picture of another big fish they caught.  He and a friend were fishing north of DeSmet.  The last hurrah for ice fishing.  
The day was different than expected, but a great day! 

Orrin, Linda and Teddy

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday, First day of March! 2015

Here we are in March already!  This month is declutter paper month, so maybe I will finally clean up this desk area.  I think 3/4 of it can just be tossed.

We didn't make it to church this morning, Orrin was feeling miserable, and didn't feel like exposing anyone else to it.  Which means we didn't get to Gibbon tonight either, :(.  He was feeling better tonight and went to bed early, so maybe we'll make it in the morning for grandparent's day yet.  We'll see what morning brings.

I am so ready for spring, and getting out and walking again.  I do think the driveway is not as icy anymore, so I could bundle up and go out, I suppose.  

I did get my cards done, pictures below.  I definitely need to work on my marker coloring.  I'll get them in the mail tomorrow.  Hopefully we'll get to Rapid City soon to celebrate two little boys' birthdays.  I hear they had a very busy weekend, basketball, play, singing in church, love those guys!

Since Orrin made it to bed early, I should make an attempt, too.  I still have a bit of a cold, and a sore throat, which is mostly sinus drainage, I'm sure.  Eeuw, sorry, I didn't have to share that.  

Hmm, looks like I should work on my photo skills too.

Watched the season finale of Downton Abbey, it ended well.  Now we have to wait until January 2016 for the next season!

Have a great evening, hope your weekend was good.

Orrin, Linda and Teddy

He is risen, and we are alive in Christ!